(when you're swamped with work)
I'd hoped to have my International Crystal interview in the bag by now, but I've re-discovered the joyless feeling of working 3 weekends in a row (the 4th is soon to follow). But just to wet your appetite, consider that ICM not only made crystals, and radios, but a multitude of accessories like external S-Meter kits, base and mobile antenna's, swr meters, speaker cabinets, squelch kits, and much, much more! Let's all hope I get some free time to continue my research and of course, the interview.
To put my "what is sideband" page back up, but to tell ya the true, I lost the photos! So....digging into my pocket, I came up with enough change to do it again -
As you can see, the picture on the right is an oreo cookie which represents one channel. The white filling is the "Center Slot", while the black cookies are the sidebands.
On AM communications all of your output power is used by the whole cookie - not very efficient, as the 4 watt output is spread out from the lower sideband, and the center slot, and the upper sideband.
Well, one day someone came along and thought to himself: "Hmmm, what if the output power could be funneled to just on of the sidebands? The rig would seem stronger, while keeping within the FCC regulations"
So that's exactly what happened - they found a way to switch between AM, Lower Sideband, and Upper Sideband. In our example to the right, you see one sideband which now takes the 4 watt output, multiplies it by 3 for an effective RF output of 12 watts!!And hopefully, thanks to Nabisco, you have a better understanding of single-sideband.