Unfortunately, I had to sell off all my HT's, but if (BIG "IF") we get a bonus this year, I'll pick up another. I do like my Kenwood TS-480s so I can listen to 11m and 80m, but without many (or any) sunspots, all I get is static, so I spend less time on the radio. Fortunately, as a man, I have more hobbies than I can either deal with or afford, and some of these work fine in an apartment! Which reminds me, "Why is it, that men have a/or more hobbies than women?" I don't know how many women I've asked "So what hobbies do you have?" and get a "Why would I want a hobby" look back at me.
I still look occasionally on e-bay for some pristine transceiver or receiver (but it has to be "as new", but being a collector, and having to shrink down what I collect, I'll p/u and occasional cw key, I'm going to try to get one of every camera I've owned (35mm), and a few walkie-talkies. None of these take up much room so onward I go.
If you are a regular reader of my blog, well, you'll never know what to expect, but there will be radio entries as well - Oh, I almost forgot! I collect "Doc Savage" paperbacks, and back to the TS-480s, while it's a nice rig, I may move that out for something that will p/u HF-UHF (maybe another FT-817nb?). I really liked that rig, but had to sell it to make ends meet this year. As well, I have my yearly car maintenance to take care of, and other things not so fun (lawyer fee's, repayment of money borrowed, etc.).
As for the Doctor report - not all of the tests have come back yet. The last, and final test was a week before Thanksgiving and they said usually it takes ten days to get the results back, but because of turkey-day, maybe 15............and here we are knocking on Christmas Eve.
So, if this is my only December post, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!! And if I sneak another one in after Christmas, your mission is to email me with any cool ham gear you may have received (and of course, your opinion of it/them).