Monday, November 28, 2005

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Let's start of with the Bad/Sad news: Bills2wayradio is going out of the retail business, but will still handle repair work as explained by this letter on his website. I've had the pleasure of swapping several e-mails throughout the years with Bill, and he is truly one of the straight-shooters in the business. I, and many others wish him only the best....
For the good news: The link to Eric Brauns "The Turner Microphone Story" website is once again active off the main page off the CBGAZETTE website!! Thanks Eric, I'm not sure how well you know what your information and historical data means to many of us, but believe me, it does!
(A want list from someone looking for the following)
** Base stand for a Browning "banana" mic
** Original Browning belt buckle
** Original Browning sew-on patch(es)
** Original Browning Operator & Service manuals (not the reprints - I can get those all day long from Maynards)
** Original Astatic D104 (with the "BL" 'tattoo')
** Other good condition, unhacked Browning CB Equipment
** A nice condition Browning Baron, unmodified, original mic
** Browning "Dealer" stuff
Let me know -- 73! ye OldManFuzzy (Jim, K9FI) email to--- k9fi AT comcast DoT net
From another collector:
I am a CB Collector and have been looking for a Globe CB1 pocketphone. If you have one or know anyone who would sell me one please Email me or call me COLLECT at 219 972-1111. Thanks and you sure have a great site. Jim Millsap W9CTO. P.S. Please visit my webiste
Work is steadily progressing on re-opening the CB GAZETTE FOR SALE section! Right now the estimated time of it's re-opening is shortly after the first of the year.
I doubt I'll be selling any new items, as I'm more into the older stuff, but who knows, a new microphone or something might pop up from time to time. The equipment listed forsale will be tested, and left "ON" for at least 1 week to verify any quirks they may or may not have. I'll call 'em as I see 'em and price them accordingly. Prices will be fair, but on the high end of "fair" (compared to many EBAY auctions), as I'll offer a warranty (still in the worksk) but basically, if it's not what I said it was you can return it for a full refund (minus shipping charges). That's it for the 4-Sale update, but I just wanted to let ya know that I hadn't dropped my plans for it. Payment will be by M.O, Personal Check, or Paypal.
Here's a TRC-55 with box that went for $150

Rather astounding I thought...




An AVANTI MOONRAKER IV, In-the-box (which I consider better quality than the ones Antenna Specialists made after they bought them out)


SOLD FOR: $317.25


And now my friends, you know the drill...


'Nuff Said


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Every now and then, when selling a rig on EBay, you hit the jackpot....the perfect alignment of the planets where buyers come out of the woodwork and money is NO object!! This month, is one of those "Every now and then" occasions. Here are some examples:

A General MC-3, which sold for: $406.99


A Radio Shack TRC-457, in-the-box














This guy has a price of $350, someone actually bid $350

Guess what? It didn't even make the RESERVE!


President Grant, fresh out of the box - $355


Cobra 148 GTL-DX - $247.50


TRAM D64 - $286


1975 Starduster, in-the-box



Turner Sidekick NOS



CPI BASE - $520


What's amazing to me is that these are coming out close to Thanksgiving.....the pre-buildup to the Xmas onslaught, and fetching high prices, and not only that, there are so many at one time! (After I write this piece I'm going to search the book of "Revelations" for some insight....)


The other thing amazing to me is that the BUY-IT-NOW price was very fair, especially from "Sparkys CB Shack" who offers good rigs, at a fair price, and here's a tip - usually the BUY-IT-NOW price is your best option. Sure, you can place a bid, which eliminates the BIN price hoping to get a deal, but from my observations, once that is done, the item usually sells for price higher than the BIN price.


Let's see what happens in the next month - who knows what will come out of the woodwork!!

'Nuff Said



One last observation:

I've seen a ton of ad's for Uniden Grant's, Uniden Grant XL's, LT's, etc. and most (but not all) have these words in them:

"Same chassis as a Cobra 148"

Now to me, when I see that I think "Hmmm, they're implying that the 148 is a better rig". But (IMHO), the Uniden chassis is the one that's better....hell, they MADE the chassis for the early Cobra's, and then Cobra went shopping for low bid manufacturers and their quality suffered - not Uniden's. Sure, the boards look the same, but there's a quality difference between the two....sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Wanted to pull up your first website? Or, a website that no longer exists? Well then, you should check out the Internet Archive "Wayback Machine". This site's mission is to go where no Bot has gone before, return with data and then have it archived.
As an experiment, I used my own site and was able to see what it looked like in 1999 (the earliest version they had), and I followed other archives to see what changes I had made ( I didn't even remember my front page in '99 until I saw it ). I also tried a couple links that currently aren't working (websites that went under) and son-of-a-gun if it didn't pull them up as well. Indeed, this was like a "Wayback" machine, and worth a try, and a bookmark!
NEXT: We have another pair of "Twins" separated at manufacturing, but thanks to Woody's "Every Radio Dreams in Sideband", we have re-united two twins once again! Of course, they were brought up under different circumstances, so while they may dress a bit different, it's obvious they are, indeed, "Twins".....



Okay, you've spoiled some perfectly good Skip-Shooting time reading today's Blog, so it's time to let ya get on with your E-bay bidding, or whatever makes your signal S-9......


'Nuff Said


Saturday, November 19, 2005

We are in the age of "Throwaway Electronics". Surface mount technology, cheap labor during manufacturing, and expensive labor when it comes to repairs makes it easy to justify throwing the broken item away, and buying a new one, because "It's cheaper". After all, who would want to spend up to twice the purchase price for a repair??
I recall when electronics made in Japan were considered cheap and unreliable, yet today, you almost drop to your knee's in a prayer of thanks when you find out your electronics item comes from Japan (China is where Japan was 45 years ago, as far as quality control).
A quality transceiver will not only give you many years of enjoyment, but it will continue to retain a fair amount of value should you want to sell it. For example, Yaesu's FT-101 series, which was born in the very early 70's has held a consistent value for decades. In the mid- 1980's I bought my first 101 (used, of course), for about $350. A lightning strike killed that one, but I really liked the 101 so around 1989 I bought another one for about the same price. The 1990's were no different - a Fox Tango 101 was still in the $300-$400 range.
And then came the turn of the century, and in the year 2005, they still remain consistent with the price range of the '90's, and 80's.
The same thing goes for CB Radios made in the 70's, like the President line, Uniden, Cobra, Robyn, Rat Shack, etc. If you watch the EBAY auctions you'll see that these rigs, from that era of quality still bring in a hefty price, but as you get into the late 80's and 1990's, much of what was manufactured then is taking a nose dive.
I wouldn't be surprised if FT-101's are still in the $300-$400 range ten years from now.....
'Nuff Said

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

One of the funniest animated shows on FOX, here is the audio portion (MP3) from their "FCC STORMTROOPERS" musical
Here's the Video clip: "FCC STORMTROOPERS"
Right-click, select save-target-as.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

(a.k.a. - New-In-Box)
Ya know, when I'm perusing EBAY or a Forsale website and see an ad for a NIB rig, I take the time to check it out, if somewhat interested. Sometimes it really is new-in-the-box, but a growing trend seems to be (for example) "COBRA 148 NIB" as a description to sucker you into looking at the ad, and then you find out it has any or all of the below:
  • Extra channels
  • Opened Clarifier
  • Clipped Modulation Limiter (the worst thing you can do to a rig)
  • Echo (2nd worse)
  • Talkback
  • Variable power
  • ETC....

-Or, they list it as (for example) "Cobra 148 NIB, peaked'n tweaked, and modified"

So I had to ask myself, "What does NIB mean anymore?"


If I saw an ad in Best Buy for a DVD player, I'd expect new, but I'd be pretty pissed if I got there and they said "Oh, we modified this-and-that for you". But they don't, because once the box is opened, it's an open box sale.


Now we all know that opinions vary from person to person, so THIS is MY opinion. ...."NIB" means just that - NEW IN BOX. When I buy a NIB radio I expect to be the first one to open it! If someone wants to take a NIB radio out of the box and modify it, fine, but call it something else like "New radio modified". -


'Nuff Said,



Oops!! I almost forgot another candidate for Ebay descriptions! This one is "Appears to be in decent condition"

Friday, November 11, 2005

(a.k.a. - "CB URBAN LEGENDS")

Yep, I should have done this one during Halloween week, my bad....


You've heard 'em, I've heard 'em, hell...we've all heard at least ONE "CB urban legend" in our days. I'll throw out a few and see what you come up with either by comments on this blog, or straight e-mail.


  • LEGEND NO.1 - You have to have your coax cable a certain length, (usually 18feet). This legend began in the early sixties, in my part of the country by the ever popular "Phantom". His theory was that by placing the coax in 18 foot lengths, you could create a Tesla coil effect boosting your output by 500%. The more loops of 18 feet coax you had, the bigger your signal would be. Of course we pointed out that he was the guy who sold coax in our area..... Just kidding. Actually there is a slight truth to this, where this witches brew of coax can help you IF you have a problem with your installation, in most cases, a grounding issue in a car/truck or rf feedback which creates an SWR problem. Otherwise, forget it. Example: I ran an FT-100 in my car and it had grounding issues inside the rig. If I popped on 10 meters I'd get the high SWR warning, and no Xmit. By coiling cable in loops, I was able to use it at times. It was external forces at work that caused the problem. If you have all of your ducks in a row, cut the coax to a practical length...
  • LEGEND NO.2 - (my favorite). I heard this several years ago and it always gives me a chuckle when I think about it - If you have a CB and want more power, take the 3amp fuse out, and put a 20amp fuse in it's place. It will boost your signal tremendously. Of course, this is "Rocket Scientist" thinking at it's best....forget it


Okay, I've given you two CB Urban Legends, so, shoot me (via e-mail or comments to this post) about the ones you've heard!


'Nuff Said


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I was awaiting a Robyn 520 SSB Base station to arrive, and of course, it came in on my day off. Nonetheless when they said that a box arrived I looked at it and thought "Hmmm, must be something else, because I don't think a 520 could fit in it".
Sad to say, it did, just barely, with no foam, peanuts, newspaper, etc. So I took it out of the box, plugged it in and - Nada. No lights, no nothing. Time to do a check up:
  1. FUSE - GOOD
  2. Knobs, button, etc. set correctly? Yep
  3. 12vdc (inside) good
  4. Switch - good

So that send me to the Worldwide Radio Forum where I put out a plea for help, and got some good advice, especially from Nomad. He said that those PCB's were prone to cracking during shipment, and to check near the mounting screws of the board.


And there I found a crack. So naturally, I went home and slept on it, and got to thinking I'd check out that cracked area again. It was pretty obvious that one connection had been isolated from the rest of the board, so I'm thinking "Hey, there must be 12vdc on that connection". A quick check with the ever handy voltmeter confirmed my suspicions. I made a bridge from wire and solder connecting the little 12v "Island" to the mainland and now have power, lights, and sound. I'll check it out tonight when I get home, but I think it may be A-OK ---However, this is a good reminder to those of us who ship radios, that we pack them well to give them their best shot at making to the other end....Alive.

'Nuff Said,


Sunday, November 06, 2005


Continuing on the cosmetics counter...



(The only thing I didn't like were the channel buttons)



(Hmmmm, Gold and woodgrain finish)



(Improvement on the 135/139/142 look)



(Ummmmm.....multi-colored lights.....)



(Elegant, gold plating with contrasting black finish)


Everyone has their favorites, I haven't even covered half of mine!

Side note - All pix came from my website (link on right)

Time to move on to next subject:


'Nuff Said,




I was mulling this thought over while listening to two fellows in Skipland have a friendly argument on whose rig "looked" better. One guy was for the classic 60's look, the other preferred the over-used Galaxy Saturn style. So I tried to pin myself down to one particular design and couldn't....I love 'em all (except the Saturn look). I do have some favorites though and I'll try and put some of 'em down on this list, in no particular order, 'cept the order my brain digs 'em out of my memory. Here goes....

The Stoner Pro-40


Realistic TRC-457


Realistic TRC-24C


Courier Gladiator, probably the largest solid-state mobile made


Courier "Royale". It even came with a matching purple dust cover!


Teaberry Stalker XX (and for that made any Stalker)



(Too much thinking, but send me an e-mail with your favorites!)


'Nuff Said


Saturday, November 05, 2005


Yes fervent fans, my preferred drug of relaxation (a.k.a. - "SKIP") has been blowing through my speaker since yesterday morning. Like a junkie who has been off the "Stuff" for awhile, I was hesitant.....would this last? or was it just 15 minutes of morning DX? I know, there some of you out there who hate skip, but most likely you're in an area where there are a lot of local contacts. In my area, there is some early morning QSO's but it's usually dead at night......except for the ever pesky Mexican trucker passing through, while screaming into his microphone (on AM naturally).
This morning, it's not quite a strong (yet) as yesterday - it kinda blows in and out like the wind through my open window. And, it's jumping all over the place too. Of course, if you go one channel UP or DOWN, it's dead - go figure! It's like "SKIP" is a Greek god-child and when the dx comes in , he picks up a magnifying glass as many children have done, and focuses his beam on one point (in this case channel 38).
[70, Eastern Ohio - sounding good buddy]
Of course, we know that's not true, but you have to wonder why it's so busy on 38 and so dead on 36,37,39, &40. I think we (as the FCC is only interested in selling airspace and collecting fines) should make channel 38 the official "call channel" , and once you connect, move up or down, have a nice conversation and when it's through go back to 38 to pick up another. It sure beats the "pile-up-from-hell".
[Woa! nice bass on Kangaroo 2850's audio in Rhode Island]
One of things that bothers me while "copying the mail" is when everyone is "ON" frequency, but there's one fellow out there too low or too high that really takes the enjoyment out of it. If the impotent FCC could do just one thing, they'd make it legal for having an un-locked clarifier...Oops! But that makes too much sense. While I'm on the topic of clarifier's and frequency, it reminds me of the frequency police (self-appointed), who spend more time saying "Your OFF frequency", than actual talking. A funny thing happened to me the other morning while driving to work; I had been listening to a couple fellows talking for about 20 minutes when I had a comment to insert and one of them said "What was that??", the other said "Someone off frequency", then the other guy replied "GET ON FREQUENCY IF YOU WANT TO TALK". Here's the funny part - my Grant LT does not have the clarifier un-locked, however it's set dead-on frequency. I'd forgotten that when I first heard these guys that I had to tune them in, so THEY were the ones off frequency.....(okay, it seemed funny at the time. )
[Think I hear "Danny", Kangaroo number one, faintly in the background hash]
Okay, you've wasted enough time reading this when you too could have bee enjoying some dx, so -
'Nuff Said

Friday, November 04, 2005

For those of you who are used to talking to Tahiti Allen, you're in for a slight dry spell. Allen reports that his rig is on the "Blink" and he's sent it off for repair. Estimated time of return: Around 2 weeks.
I's Sooooo early in the month,
but when a candidate steps right out in front of your browsing eyeballs? Submitted, for you approval, November's first "WooHah" auction photo with (in their own words) "Looks GOOD".
"Rare TURNER SSB + 2 Transistorized CB Microphone, Wow!"
(two points for not being rare, and of course - "Wow!")
"SMOKING Realistic TRC-453 AM/SSB Tranciever L@@K NR!!"
(Ed. - "Smoking?" - I'd check those finals buddy)
"Ranger TR-966/Swing/Echo/Channeled/Talk Back/NRThis radio is brand new in the box with $125 in mods.NR"
(ones like these always crack me up, because if it's "brand new in the box" it should be untouched right? Not "..and I've added this board or that board to it"....okay call me old fashioned.)
Holy crap...there's actually some DX coming in over the speaker!!
'Nuff Said

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dave Hall and I have swapped e-mails over time and I got a look at his website the other day and felt like you should too. There's lots of good 'ol CB remembering and hell, you need something to read besides my stuff anyways! So click on da link and "Read the mail...."
'Nuff Said

Ok, the fable is about a goose, but as CB is referred to many times as the "Chicken Band", I made a slight change.'re wondering: "What da heck is Woody talking about?" (ED.- while others, who have read some of my older stuff probably know where I'm going)
What I'm talking about is the constant questions of: Why are export radios sold in the U.S., why don't they just shut down H&Y/Copper, etc. The answer (IMHO) is simply economics. Yes this stuff is illegal for use in the U.S. but if they shut them down, they'd lose all the money they'd fine them in future busts. If you've been around the dial as long as I have you tend to notice patterns, and the pattern I see here is:
  1. Let H&Y/Copper and others sell exports and/or amplifiers then come in and bust them. It's makes for good press, the fines bring money into the coffers and everyone says they're sorry and won't do it again.
  2. Of course, everyone is lying and they get right back into the business they were in, but once again, there's a quiet period of a few years, and business is good.
  3. Repeat step one
  4. Repeat step two

This has been going on for decades now. If they REALLY wanted to close 'em down - they could. But what the hey, by sticking to this pattern they bring in big bux from distributor busts, and many mini-bux from operators, not to mention the medium bux from dealer busts. As long as they stick to this formula, it's a consistent revenue gain for the government, with really little footwork having to be done in order to get evidence (i.e. - pick up the phone and order a free catalog, or, buy an export rig or amplifier).


Sure I've simplified things, but there is a method to their madness. Me? I have no problems with anyone talking between 27.415-27.555, but as for operators (ignorant or not) taking up Amateur Radio bandwidth - Nope, the buck stops there. Truckers with export rigs and/or amplifiers? If ya see 'em, take 'em away. And I know we've lost this battle in our school systems, but it would be nice if there were a rule that said you had to communicate in English.

'Nuff Said


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Remember that great 60's Sci-fi show where two scientists were always being thrown back into various time periods? Well who would have thought that CB's had that same capibility!!
While perusing the newest entries on EBay, I came across an auction for a special Cobra 29 "Gold" edition from 1974, with a buy-it-now price of $375. Naturally, being the curious sorta guy I am, I read the description about how this was a special all gold finish model given out to someone who exceeded in sales. But the picture of the rig caught my eye, as I'm sure it will yours...


I inquired about the rig - "Was it a 23ch or 40ch rig?" (although I was familiar with the 23ch dial found on the 23ch Cobra 29), and sure enough it was a 40 channel rig. So I told them that 40 channel radios didn't come out until 1977, but perhaps the radio he had was still something special (not $375 worth), and hopefully they'll do the right thing and correct the post, or maybe.....just maybe.....this IS a special rig. One that can travel backwards in time from 1977 to 1974!! We'll have to call Art Bell on this one.....

'Nuff Said
