Sunday, January 07, 2007

As manufacturers strive to put more features in smaller footprint rigs menu's grow in length and depth. For some settings this is fine, because they might only have to be set once or twice during the time you own the rig.
Other settings however are ones that we (operators) like to "fiddle" with more frequently. I may be getting old (correction - I get older each year) but some menu's are so cryptic it requires the manual to figure out how to do what you want to do, and if you're like me, the manual is never easy to find when you need it.
Of course, I own several rigs that are menu driven, and yes, I cringe when it becomes apparent that I have to go into the menu system. It's for that exact reason I bought a Kenwood TS-850! The 850 is a "Knob-O-Rama" rig and that's the way I like it - if I want to adjust something, it's right there in front of me: Turn a knob or push a button, based on one of the first rules I was taught about troubleshooting computers, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).
So am I in the minority? Let me know how YOU feel about it - send me an e-mail!!


  1. well menus are bad word not bad in themselves just over used and abused

    I don't mind em much but then I suspect I am a bit younger and sorts grew up with the idea of menus

    although having a menu set schelch setting as one of my HT has realy does well (censored)

  2. Agreed, it's probably an age issue....Younger people like menu's and older people want a knob to turn (not to mention a BIG rig). Thanks for stopping by Mark,

