For quite a while now I've either mentioned Fred, from his YouTube Channels "FRED-IN-THE-SHED" 1 & 2, or have embedded some content from one his many CB related posts. With no email address available to write to him I've taken all that was gleaned from his video posts in order to flesh him out to viewers in the US.
Fred (S21-1664)got his start on CB in the UK in the early 1980's as a young teen while the CB thing in England mimicked what happened during the previous decade in North America, and around the world. In a recent YouTube video Fred reminisced about his early days, the locals he talked with, and of course - meeting girls.
One of the things that sets him apart from many others is the fact he's not self important. Fred let's us in on his past and present radio adventures while at the same time making sure everyone is informed of his self perceived shortcomings (for instance Fred has hearing damage and relies on the use of hearing aids).
Fred also takes time to instruct a viewer on the many rigs available for purchase as well as a look into doing things for yourself, like designing a indoor dipole, complete with project gotchas and other pitfalls.
While stories of his past are interesting it's plain as the glasses on my nose that if he weren't such a great story teller most interest would be short lived. Some videos are outdoors but most frequently it's when Fred invites us into the confines of his cozy shack in the loft (attic) that we become less and less voyeuristic and more like a friend who just got invited upstairs to hear a good story over a spot of tea.
I'll end this short Blog post with another Video from the man himself: Fred-in-the-shed...