Sunday, January 14, 2024





In between PT1 and 2 of my review on the Alinco DX-10, I received a few emails about returning to YouTube and resuming my reviews there. 

The fact of the matter is, I never really left. I've done several Magnetic loop antenna reviews sans sound, with a brief script in between the photos, more like a slide show.

There may come a day when I go back to my old style, but to honest with you, I feel that I'm able to convey more information on a subject or review with my keyboard vs. my unscripted audio. 

This method let's me anguish over spelling or grammar changes, sometimes deleting whole paragraphs and starting over again, or sleeping on it and making a decision the next morning. [example: for some odd reason every time I typed DX-10, I typed DX-70. I didn't notice it until after a second read-thru] 

Between the two parts of the DX-10 review I probably spent several weeks getting it all together, typing up to six hours at the keyboard one day, followed the next day with only 30 minutes.


"This also is probably some of my wife's preclusion for making mistakes on spreadsheets and heck, even email, rubbing off on me. I've watched her spend hours trying to get an email "just right" before sending it off into the ether''


Perhaps I'll mix 'em up one day, but for now I feel that you're getting higher quality, detailed information out of my written reviews than I could do now with a YouTube video.

So finally, you can dash those nasty rumors of some horribly disfiguring car crash, giant warts growing on my face, or, losing my voice, as reasons the YouTube videos stopped. I choose to do it this way so you can learn more about a subject at your own pace, and ask questions if you have 'em.

Oh, I almost forgot (see...text is better 😉) Yesterday I unhooked the DX-10 and put it on the "cushy" side of the bench to get some photos of it's internals. Before doing that, I thought I'd get some use out of my President McKinley, so I moved the President electronic hand mic from the DX-10 back to the McKinley.

After taking enough photos I emailed 'em to my account, downloaded them into the DX-10 review folder and decided to take a break. I hopped on one of the best overall radio websites you'll run across. I think part of it's lure is that it's not just for hams, CB'ers, or shortwave enthusiasts - the website is for ANYTHING radio. I've mentioned it before, have had a link to it on the right-side column for years, and I'm plugging them again: WorldwideradioDX

Back to my break... While going through new posts in the CB section, there has been an ongoing thread called "Reclaim LSB 16", and I went to the last page (always the most current) and saw that someone was hanging around looking for contacts, so I went down to 16 on the McKinley, heard him calling CQ and son-of-a-gun we made a contact with each other. 

The other operator, Jeff, was in Yosemite National Park, and briefly lost me until my next transmission, where he said I was now well above the noise floor. I was elated (I'm elated every time I make a contact). Our QSO came via my McKinley (about 10 watts SSB), and my indoor Magnetic loop. 

Hopefully this will encourage those of you who think indoor antennas just don't work. My loop is 3 feet from the ground floor, mounted on a tripod, and it doesn't get simpler than that (when it warms up I ought to take it out on the back porch and see how it works from there).

So hey! Stay warm these next few days. If I'm looking at lows in the teens, down here just outside the Southwest area of Houston, most of you are probably having it worse - and longer. And IF you have to go out in that mess, keep it on 19 to avoid any major issues...





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