Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Skip conditions are funny - when you want them to be there, they aren't. And when you're not going to be there, they are. At least that's the way they work for me. Sometimes you can fool it, for example - yesterday: I thought to myself "I'm going to work late tonight", but I didn't and guess what? Yep, the band was really rocking!

This morning, I'm waiting for my car to get back so I can drive into work, and while I'm waiting, I'm listening to a fellow on the West coast who always fades just as he's telling folks what his numbers are....otherwise it's fairly quiet. I'm almost tempted to turn the volume up to hear him better, but I know that if I do, I'll get blasted outta my chair by some hispanic truckers as they splatter by one channel above or below me.

The picture above is from an Ebay auction, where the fellow took a variety of items and made one VERY unusual Grant. You can view his description of the modification on the ebay auction here

'Nuff said for this posting,

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