Friday, December 14, 2007

Apparently there is no way the soon-to-be ex will let go of my radios, but in every cloud, there is a lining. The last couple years I'd be buying broken rigs that I could repair when I had time, so it doesn't do her much good in that respect. Sure, there are some older ones I bought to rebuild the ones I had as a teenager, but as I've often said: "If you've seen it once on E-bay, you'll see it again".
Tomorrow is the day where I can retrieve my clothes, dresser, personal belongings (seems like radios would be in that category), computer desk, ups, etc. Maybe I can get the latest QST, and some other CB magazines just to pass the time away. But in December, it's more like "Not enough time", and this year is no different (with the exception of no bonus for 2007). Hope ya'll get what ya wished for in your Radio "Dreamland" and I'll let ya know how I make out too!


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