Monday, February 27, 2006

Ah yes, it's 5:30 a.m. and I'm listening to some fellows talk on one of the 440 repeaters and I guess there was a recent hamfest that one fellow attended and the other two were asking him questions about it, and he said that there were large groups of Hispanics buying up VHF and UHF commercial gear....and he let the repeater drop, then came back with "What REALLY irked me was the amount of CB antenna's I saw in the parking lot", and I thought to myself 'Good Grief'.
Conversation switched to SSB and another guy started talking about some of the CB's he used years ago, when the same fellow who made the earlier statement began to tell them how he used to talk to Africa and all over the world on his CB when he owned one....
I know what you're thinking, and you're correct - I wanted in the worst way to have that book I just reviewed materialize in this fellows hands. Yes, this flip-flop happens more often than not: Once a CBer, now a HAM, so let's fit into the crowd and knock the CBer.
I sure hope the other hams inside the hamfest were more hospitable towards someone from the 11m crowd looking to check out the world of ham radio, rather than running into this guy....
[CBer and Ham operator]