Friday, February 17, 2006

Is it just me or has noise from power lines increased over the past few years? I remember back in the 70's-early 90's driving around town and occassionally hitting a spot where something was not quite right (transformer, etc.), but that was the exception, not the rule. Usually, if you applied enough persistent pressure on the light company they'd come out and fix it.
Lately, in the last 5 or six years though I've noticed this problem not in older areas I travel through, but in the areas where new subdivisions are being built. To be exact - when I travel through Fort Bend County here in Texas. Some areas are so bad I just have to shut the HF rig off, while others only last for a few seconds as you pass by the noise maker. So after careful thought I've come up with a few possible answers:
  1. Cheap Chinese made electronics
  2. Zombie workers who just don't give a damn about doing it right.
  3. A plot by the Utility company to destroy any chance of picking up signals via the airwaves.
  4. Or a combination of them all


In any case, it really gets me PO'd when I'm stopped at an intersection of a newly built area (where there wasn't anything before except a long row of power lines) and I'm looking at a noise level of 1/2 to 3/4 on my meter. I'd be interesting in hearing from you if you've run into the same thing.



"RADIO SHACK - We had your answers..."


RadioShack (whose chief executive recently admitted to lying on his resume) has announced that they are planning to close between 400 and 700 company-operated stores, and liquidate slow moving items in their inventory. (Ed. - Hey! Maybe we'll get some deals on resistors, capacitors and the like).



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