If I appear to be a little fuzzy, it's all the fault of the Software companies! To begin with, in the "OLDEN" days of computers (not even going too far back, just 1990) you got your PC, it had it's OS and you used a few programs - and all was well with the world!
Today it's a totally different matter and I'm no "Mad Hatter" when I say this. Just this week I spent a huge amount of hours updating, rebooting, updating, and rebooting again! First, there's the Death Star of software, MICROSOFT. My GOD!! I can't even begin to add up the total numbers of upgrades and updates. This week, like most others, I had to download and apply upgrades from the "BEAST". But wait - there's more! I also had to update Java, Firefox, iTunes, ADOBE Flash and Reader, and even Maxtor nabbed me to upgrade my external drive software!
I know that I'm missing several others, but if you're like me, you are sick and tired of endless updates (that often come at a time where you don't want to wait many minutes for the update, and lengthy reboot time). It will only get worse, and I suspect it will only fire the flames within the user as well. For once, I would like to open iTunes and not see "A new version (update) is available"...
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