If I've seen it once, I've seen it a hundred times (or more). Why the seller doesn't just come right out an say "I don't know anything about this equipment, so it's as-is", is beyond me. It would at the least, be honest. Then the buyer can make a decision that is based on the truth of the seller, and his own desire for the rig, thus leaving the buyer blameless.
Unfortunately we live in the real world, and a seller's greed overrides the truth. There is a Buyer's responsibility as well however (ed. - when entering into a buy/sell agreement it is a two-way street), and the buyer has to ask some hard questions like:
- How do you know that it works? Have you tested it on receive and transmit?
- If so, what was the output on AM and/or Sideband? (you can have a transceiver that works on one mode only, while the other mode is defective)
- If the microphone supplied has the same connector, is it wired for that radio? (many radios will not even receive audio unless a properly wired microphone is plugged in)
- If it isn't wired for that radio, how could you have tested it in the first place? (some seller's consider it working if it turns "on")
- Does it come with a power cord? (if not, see above)
- Does it have a manual?
- Does it come from a non-smoking home, or, does it smell like smoke? (cigarette smoke. Not the "Oh-my-God-something-just-fried" smoke)
- Does it have all the screws in place?
- Do all the tubes (if a tube model) light up?
- Did the buyer turn the various potentiometers, and if so, where any "scratchy"?
- If the rig is a mobile, does it come with the mounting bracket?
- If it has a shiny chrome case, are there many, if any scratches?
And I'm sure there are some other questions I missed, but you get the idea, just because it looks good doesn't mean it is good. I know that when I test a rig I like to leave it "on" for several days just to see if anything turns up after a period of time. A quick power on/power off doesn't say much.
Mobiles are even harder. If a seller states that they don't know anything about this type of equipment (they just bought it at an estate sale) and yet claims it is working, I often wonder: "Did they really hook this mobile up to a car battery or power supply to test this?"
If you asked just half of those questions you're doing good, but many buyer's are timid and afraid to ask any questions - instead, they settle for taking the word of the person selling the item, and that my friends, can be risky.....