Sunday, June 21, 2009

"FATHERS DAY 2009...."


"Bro" (Glenn)


Happy Father's Day to all you radio op Dad's around the world!! Today was a very relaxing and enjoyable Father's Day for both my Dad and myself (although I did feel a bit "naked" without my trusty Red Sox cap on). Like last year, we got together at the Outback steakhouse and had a great time catching up on things and dining on some fantastic food!

We then adjourned to the QTH to share some cake and, of course, lay a few gifts on my Dad....but it was as hot as August out there today and I wonder how bad August will be? Robin's "Photo Book" was a hit for both Dad and Bro, and I had the unexpected pleasure of getting Roses delivered to the door to me, from Robin - It doesn't get any better than that my friends. Unfortunately, Chris and his wife Ada couldn't make it because she had to work today (Ugh!), but we'll catch up with those two around the 4th.

As I was going into the other room to get his Father's Day card, I heard my Dad commenting to Glenn on how neat and clean the place was and I thought to myself "'s been a long time since I've heard that spoken". Kudos to Robin for her help!!

After the gathering, it was hard to believe that it was almost 4 p.m. - I went into the shack flipped a switch...but DX (at least none that was strong enough to be workable). Hopefully where you live, conditions were better, and perhaps you even got a chance to have a QSO with "Mr. Nobody" - BT 703the infamous CA Weed Farmer on the Ancient Mariner mode of communication. The next big holiday that usually brings old DXer's outta the woods is July 4th, and the Woodbury clan is have a big BBQ to heat up those airwaves. Hopefully I'll have the A/C fixed in "Moby Dick" so I can monitor band conditions. Even as I type though, I can here some DX trying to climb up and above the noise level - maybe it will be better in a few hours (or, hopefully, in a few years).


"Everything is copacetic" - Translation: nothing is ever fully copacetic.

'Nuff Said

"STANDARD DISCLAIMER"This is my standard disclaimer regarding the selling of my radio collection. While the ad reads CB GAZETTE, it has nothing to do with me, and the while the "WE are selling" implies I'm on board with it, I'm not. She has the legal right to sell my stuff, however I am not involved and any complaints should not be directed to me, or, damage my honest reputation in the selling of radios. I'm not upset by the legal selling, just the inference that I am involved. End of Disclaimer.

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