I stopped over at a friends QTH to help him with his small foot print HF-UHF rig (It required several "Fixes" via soldering iron and he wasn't too good at soldering so he asked me) and noticed a BIG, I mean B-I-G printer in his radio room. Naturally, curiosity got the better of me, so while I was soldering, he was telling me all about the printer. Evidently CANON has a "Pro" line of ink jets and this model was (I think) 2nd from the bottom price-wise. It's a CANON PRO-9500 and designed for photographs as opposed to text. This also caught my attention because I like digital photography, but I've never seen a really good printer that will do your photographs justice.
He said he was torn between the 9000 and 9500 and the plus and minuses between the two (reviewers said that colors were better on the 9000), but he went with the 9500 and said he thought the color prints were excellent (this is where I get sucked in). So conversation flip flops between HAM Radio and Digital Photography and while he's putting the case back together, I'm kinda looking around his room and the big pictures, framed and hanging on two of his walls admiring the quality and mentioned that:
"Someday digital photography and their printers will match those"
That's when he told me that those marvelous pictures had been printed on his PRO-9500 printer!! Needless to say, they blew me away.... they were also taken by a 10 mega pixel camera (and I was thinking it was at least 12). If you're interested in digital photography and printing outstanding photo's this would be the printer for you. I think it will also print 13" x 19" prints and they look SHARP. One day, I too will get one of these (or it's successor), but that will have to wait until I have a job and get back on my feet again!
Oh yeah - his rig is working much better now.
This is my standard disclaimer regarding the selling of my radio collection. While the ad reads CB GAZETTE, it has nothing to do with me, and the while the "WE are selling" implies I'm on board with it, I'm not. She has the legal right to sell my stuff, however I am not involved and any complaints should not be directed to me, or, damage my honest reputation in the selling of radios. I'm not upset by the legal selling, just the inference that I am involved. End of Disclaimer.